About Us
In career spanning over 21 years Dr. Sunil Ugile has treated more than 25000 patients of Piles, fissure and fistula.
During this journey of his work he found that postoperative pain is most annoying factor to patients. This post-operative pain affects recovery and increases hospital stay of patients. Various methods tried by medical fraternity to alleviate this pain. However complete alleviation of pain is not possible by any methods.
To overcome the above challenge in treatment of piles, Dr. Sunil Ugile found BEIM technology is superior to all treatment modalities. BEIM technology introduced and used in CHINA. This BEIM is principally based on Ayurveda principal of AGNIKARMA. He went to china persuaded diploma in BEIM technology and introduced this technique first time in INDIA.
BEIM technology is completely painless as there is no cut or suture in this procedure. There is minimal bleeding and tissue damage in this procedure which make it safest procedure for treatment of piles.
It minimizes complications like anal stricture, sphincter injury and rectal incontinence. There are minimal chances of recurrence compared to other treatment modalities.
So BEIM is blessing to all hemorrhoid patients as it is painless technique, reduces recovery time, hospital stay and has minimal side effects.
Successfully treated patients by BEIM since last four years are more than 1000.
- Dr. Sunil Kakasaheb Ugile
- 22 Years Experience Overall

BAMS – Pune University
Pune 25 oct 1997
Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine
19 Octomber 1999 till today and going on Proctologist at Pune Piles care pune & Ashutosh Hospital, Pune
I-30643 A-1, Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine, 1997